How Strong Are Termites?
Termites are a very aggressive insect and they can chew through a wall or flooring for years. They can also cause structural damage to a building. Their larvae feed on wood, plastic, and drywall.
Termites are social creatures and they have a hierarchy. Their queen is the largest and the most important member of the colony. She lays thousands of eggs each year. The king fertilizes her eggs and helps to feed the young predigested food.
There are three main types of termites. Workers are the smallest termites. They spend their lives in a dark, damp nest. They gather food for the colony. They are completely blind. They look for dead or decaying trees and plants to eat. They will also eat some plastics and cardboard.
Termite swarms are usually found in spring and summer. These swarms are very hard to get rid of. They often enter your home through down lights, guttering, and spider webs. They can also form great clouds.
They can be mistaken for flying ants. However, they have two sets of wings. They also have a large, strong stinger. Their bite is weaker than that of ants.
Unlike ants, termites are not predators. They have evolved a symbiotic relationship. They are not aggressive toward humans. They are not covered by most homeowners insurance policies.
Termites live in large colonies. The queen and king are the most important members of the colony. Each group does a different job within the colony. They help the colony replenish its nutrients, and they maintain good hygiene.