How Quickly Can Termites Destroy a House?

Termites may take several years to destroy your home. However, they can cause serious damage to your property in a short amount of time. The cost of damages can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There are many factors that influence the speed of destruction. One of the most important is the size of the colony. A large colony will be able to eat through more wood than a smaller colony. The colony’s size also affects the amount of damage it can cause.

The best way to estimate the speed at which your home will be destroyed is to inspect the area around your home. This may reveal signs of a termite colony. The best way to detect a colony is to have a professional inspection done on a regular basis. The more you know about these tiny insects, the easier it will be to spot them.

Among the most common termite types are the Formosan termites. These little critters are responsible for the most termite damage, with the average home spending over 2 billion dollars annually to remove them.

Unlike some other insects, termites do not spread disease. The best way to avoid termite infestation is to keep your home well ventilated. Keeping plants away from the foundation of your home will help.

Termites are primarily found in damp areas. They also have a fascination for timber. The wood that they eat may warp or buckle.

A single termite can take a few months to eat through a two by four wood piece. In the long run, it’s the size of a termite colony that makes the difference.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!