How Long Can Termites Live in Furniture?
Termites can cause major damage to your home, particularly if you have furniture that is made from wood. Termite colonies are often undetected, and they can spread without your knowledge. Fortunately, there are ways to detect and remove them.
One way is to check the furniture’s interior for signs of infestation. Look for holes or other tiny cracks. These signs will indicate termite activity. You can also see frass, which is a substance termites leave behind. Frass is similar to coffee grounds, and it can form sunken spaces or small holes in your furniture’s internal parts.
Termites are nocturnal creatures, and they don’t like sunlight. You can prevent termites from ruining your furniture by exposing it to direct sunlight for a few days.
Another method for preventing termites is by fumigating the infested furniture. This is a less intrusive approach that can be carried out by a professional. However, it should be done by a licensed pest control specialist.
Alternatively, you can get rid of termites using a boric acid solution. This product is highly effective. But be sure to store the solution away from children.
Lastly, you can treat your wooden furniture with essential oils. These should be used with a spray bottle and applied to the infected areas. You should also use cardboard traps to catch and discard termites. These contain cellulose, a natural material that termites cannot handle.
A good termite treatment will be based on the type of termite, the structural elements of your home, and your set-up. This will determine how long the treatment will last.