How Does Cold Weather Affect Termites?

Termites can be a real nuisance. These pests are capable of eating through the structure of any home. They are also capable of causing extensive damage. The best way to keep them at bay is to be diligent year round. Whether you live in the north or south, you need to be prepared.

There are many different types of termites. Some are better adapted to colder climates than others. Some pests have learned to seek shelter indoors while others will swarm when the temperatures are right.

Termites are actually very active in the winter. They may even set up a nest under a man-made structure. They can access the wood of a home without having to crawl through the ground. They can also build mud tubes in a sheltered area. They will also create “exploratory tubes” to get to their food sources.

There are some termites that will stay active all year. Some will even swarm in warm places in the spring. However, most termites do not survive prolonged freezing temperatures. They may appear to die off in the winter but are still alive.

The term “the smallest” may be an overstatement. Several species of termites have learned to survive freezing temperatures, though. The most impressive of these is the Formosan subterranean termite. They have been known to remain active in colder regions for two days at a time. They have been observed to build nests in living trees, in doorways and in the soil.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!