How Do Termites Build Nests in Trees?
Termites are one of the most hard working insects on earth. They can destroy entire houses. They are most common in tropical climates. If you have a termite infestation, you should investigate the situation. You can treat the problem at the source or call professionals to do so.
Termites communicate by vibrations, chemical signals, and physical contact. They can also modify their nest form in response to the outside environment.
There are several different species of termites that build nests in trees. They include arboreal, compass, and subterranean termites. They are found in most lowland tropical habitats. They usually feed on cellulose, a plant organic compound.
A colony of termites can consist of hundreds, or even thousands, of termites. Each colony is comprised of workers, reproductives, and soldiers. The worker termites are responsible for feeding the colony members and maintaining the nest. During the early stages of a colony, the queen produces about ten to twenty eggs. If she dies, the reproductives will take over.
These reproductives will develop into fully winged adults. The winged reproductives leave the nest on a colonising flight. The king and queen are usually deep inside the mound, but they are protected from predators.
A termite’s main food is cellulose, which is found in many plants and products. They also feed on rotting wood. In addition, they can be found in a variety of different locations. Some species build their nests in the tree itself, while other species will tunnel into the soil below the tree.