Does Termites Eat Wood?

Termites are not just wood-eating critters. They also like paper, and other plant byproducts, such as cotton fibers. They are also attracted to certain types of lumber, such as untreated hardwood.

It is not uncommon for a customer to have a case where an infestation began with cardboard or paper. A termite colony is comprised of many different insects, including a queen, workers, nymphs, and male reproductives. Termites consume cellulose, a carbohydrate that gives plants their structure.

There are a few things you can do to help prevent a termite infestation. One way is to seal holes in your furniture. Another is to use a product called borax, which is not toxic.

Using a termite bait station is another effective way to control a termite problem. These stations are typically filled with Tasmanian Oak. Termites will come to the station, and be able to feed on the bait. Aside from being a tasty treat, these are a great way to kill off a termite colony.

Termites are capable of eating a variety of different materials, but they are particularly fond of cellulose. This is an organic fiber that is found in many different types of plants and other natural sources.

The process of breaking down cellulose is aided by microorganisms within the termite’s digestive tract. These microbes produce enzymes that break down cellulose into sugars. The resulting sugar helps to supply energy to the termite.

If you have a potential wood-eating pest on your property, it’s a good idea to contact a professional pest control expert. He or she can help you plan a strategy to avoid a termite infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!