Do Termites Have Wings?
If you have a termite infestation, you may want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. You can do this by turning off all lights and opening all windows. But you should not use insect spray or attack them with a knife.
Termites have two types of wings. One type, the subterranean type, is used by workers for burrowing. The other type, the flying type, is used by swarmers. Swarming is a natural development of termite colonies. When the conditions are right, alates, the swarmers, leave the colony and build a new nest.
The swarmers have two pairs of pale gray or smoky-gray wings. They fly to different locations to form new colonies. Only ten percent of swarms will find a mate and become reproductive termites.
Swarmers are also known as termite nymphs. They are usually only a half an inch long. They live close to the surface of the soil. These nymphs can be confused with the flying ants.
When a swarm is formed, it normally occurs during daylight hours. It is a signal that a new termite colony is being established. If you see a swarm, you should call a pest control company to get it under control.
The wings of reproductive termites are used for flying to find mates. They can be a little similar to some ants, but they are usually darker. When the alates are mature, they have two sets of large triangular wings.