Can Termites Run Fast?

Termites are small insects that are similar to ants, wasps, and cockroaches. They are usually found living in colonies of hundreds of thousands to millions of members. They eat wood, fabric, cardboard, and grass, but they also consume plant litter, roots, and other products containing cellulose.

They are most common in the United States, where they are estimated to cause more than $5 billion in damages every year. These insects do not require sleep and work continuously without taking a break. They are able to eat through wood quickly. The damage is not noticeable until the colony grows large enough to consume the home.

To prevent a termite infestation, keep wooden structures in good repair. You can also install metal shields on the foundation.

Termites eat through wood, leaving a terrible odor in your home. They create galleries along the grain of the wood. They eat wood from the inside and outside of your house. They may enter your home through small cracks or holes, such as in a window joint or seam. You may be able to spot the entry point by seeing wood that has been eaten.

There are many different species of termites. The most common are the western subterranean termite and the Pacific dampwood termite. They both live in the southern U.S. They are also known as “super termites.”

The biggest caste within a colony is the worker. These termites are responsible for reproduction. A single queen can produce more than 100 million eggs in her lifetime.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!