Can Termites Come Back After Treatment?
Termites are serious economic pests, causing over $5 billion in damages each year. The damage isn’t easy to repair, and if left untreated, the infestation can come back and cause major problems.
If you are looking for a way to protect your home from termites, you can use a monitoring system or traps. Keeping your house free of excess moisture and organic debris can prevent termites from infesting your home. The best way to keep your house dry is to ensure good ventilation. Natural sunlight can also help maintain air circulation in your home.
If you have a termite infestation, it is best to contact a pest control company to get rid of the problem. Your local pest control experts can provide more information on how to deal with a termite infestation.
Using a chemical treatment can kill termites within a few days. However, the treatment may not reach all of the colony’s members. This is why it is important to find the source of the colony and eliminate it.
If you have tried using a chemical treatment but still have a large colony of termites, it is best to call a professional. Your pest control expert can locate the source of the colony and remove all traces of the infestation.
After treating your home, it is important to perform regular structural checks. Make sure your HVAC system directs air away from your foundation and wooden beams. Termites need moisture to survive, and natural air helps to keep your home ventilated.