Why Do Spiders Come Inside During Summer?
Spiders are ectothermic, meaning they need food, water, and shelter to survive. This is the reason they are attracted to homes. It’s also why they come inside during colder weather, especially during the winter months.
There are some species of spiders that will adapt to colder temperatures. These include brown recluse, black widow, and wolf spiders. Some of these species can be quite dangerous to humans. If you notice any of these species, it’s important to have them removed immediately.
Spiders prefer dark, cool, and damp places to live. They can enter your home through cracks, holes, and other small crevices. You can use caulk or exterior sealing on your windows, doors, and other areas in your home to prevent them from entering.
You might want to consider hiring a professional pest control service to handle your problem. They can also advise you on how to make your home less attractive to spiders.
A great way to keep spiders away is to vacuum and dust regularly. This will remove clutter and remove any hiding places. Keeping your lawn and yard trim and clean will also help. If you have a large number of spiders, you may need to relocate some plants or trim down overgrown bushes.
In the summer, insects are drawn to the warmth indoors. If they are not getting enough warmth outside, they will move indoors for survival. If there are other household pests, you can expect to see spiders.