Can Spiders Kill You in the UK?

Spiders are one of the most beneficial invertebrate groups. Although they do occasionally bite humans, most of the time they are harmless. However, if a spider bites you, it can cause pain, swelling, and an allergic reaction.

There are over 650 different species of spiders in the UK. Some species are more likely to bite than others, so knowing what to look out for can help you protect yourself. Generally, the biggest dangers come from poisonous spiders.

The brown recluse spider is the second-most venomous spider in the UK. The venom from these spiders is potent and can cause burning and numbness. They have also been known to cause blisters.

These spiders can be found all over the UK. They are usually found in areas that have warm summers. This helps them survive. They are also a relatively aggressive breed.

Tube web spiders are another large species of spider. These spiders create tube-shaped webs to catch prey. They can be found in regions such as Cornwall. They are a very common breed. They can even be found in your home.

There are also money spiders. These are considered a sign of good luck. They are a very big spider that live throughout the UK. They tend to make their homes in damp vegetation. They can be very painful, but typically only last for six hours.

The false widow spider is also a type of native spider in the UK. They are similar to the black widow spider, and are found all over the UK. They are not as dangerous as the black widow, but they can still cause worrying symptoms.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!