Why Are Spiders So Big in Australia?

Australia is home to a variety of big spiders. They are part of the food chain and help reduce the number of insects in the country.

Australia’s bushland offers a large amount of vegetation and insects for the spiders to feast on. The warmer climate is beneficial for the spiders since it provides more sunlight and helps their bodies grow.

The Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) is known for its highly toxic venom. It can pierce nails and attack the nervous system. Although the spider is not as deadly as the Eastern Tarantula, its bite can still be lethal.

There are thousands of species of spiders in Australia. Most are not dangerous. However, some species can’t live in an urban jungle. Despite these, spiders are an important part of the Australian ecosystem.

Some of the largest spiders are huntsman spiders. These are members of the Sparassidae family. Huntsman spiders hunt for prey using vibrations. Often, they will rest in protected areas during the day.

Hunters are also natural insect exterminators. Despite its size, the huntsman spider is not aggressive. Those who capture one are braver than others. Typically, the spider has a leg span of 15 cm or more.

In 2012, Lizzy Lowe and colleagues published a study about spiders in Sydney. The researchers measured the size, condition and ovaries of spiders collected from different sites.

They found that spiders in urban areas were significantly larger than those in less-developed areas. This means that urbanization could be causing biodiversity loss. Moreover, the ovaries of spiders in urbanized areas were more large, so they would lay more eggs.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!