Which Spiders Are Friendly Pets?

There are thousands of species of spiders throughout the world. Most of them are generalist predators, meaning they regularly capture nuisance pests. But there are also some friendly species. Here are three that you might want to keep as pets.

House spiders are small arachnids that live in human homes. They are usually non-aggressive, but they can bite when threatened. If you don’t like having them in your home, you can release them outside.

Crab spiders are also a popular pet. They are known for their camouflage among flowers. They have barbs that can irritate skin. They are generally not aggressive, but their bites are similar to bee stings.

Cobweb spiders are very common. These spiders can be found in both north and south America. They build webs in areas that have a lot of insect activity. They feed on flies, wasps, and mosquitoes. They are typically found near human dwellings and attic windows. They are considered one of the most common household spiders.

Fishing arachnids are another type of pet. They can be collected from local ponds. Some species prefer to live near water, while others are a bit more acrobatic. Some even enter dark places like garages. Some of them are very venomous, so you should never handle them.

Green Lynx is a North American spider. These are often found on leafy green plants. They have a distinctive look, so they are a good choice for people who want a spider that’s easy to care for.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!