Which Spiders Are Dangerous in South Africa?

There are many species of spiders in South Africa. While most of them are harmless, some are venomous. It’s important to know which types of spiders are dangerous, so you can protect yourself.

One of the most venomous arachnids in South Africa is the black button spider. The venom contains neurotoxins, which cause severe systemic effects. In addition to causing localized pain, it can also cause profuse sweating, weakness, and muscle cramps.

Another deadly arachnid in South Africa is the baboon spider. This species is known for its venom, which causes serious symptoms and sometimes death in humans. It is found throughout the African continent, including in Southern Africa. It can be as large as 15 cm (5.9 in). The venom is not lethal to humans, but it can cause pain and swelling.

A less venomous version of the black button spider is the brown button spider. Both are dark blackish brown, but the brown button is less potent. The brown button spider does not have the red hourglass marking on its abdomen.

The long-legged sac spider is also a venomous arachnid in South Africa. Although its venom is non-lethal, it is painful and causes blistering.

Other arachnids that are venomous in South Africa include the Scimitar-horn Kitespider, the African red spider, and the Banded-legged Golden Orb-web Spider. The Scimitar-horn Kitespider is a large spider that thrives in tropical climates. It has three pairs of horns, which help it catch prey.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!