Which Spiders Are Aggressive?
Spiders are fascinating creatures, but many people have a phobia of them. Unfortunately, some of the more common species have nasty bites that can cause pain, nausea and even death. If you don’t know which spiders are aggressive, you could be putting yourself at risk.
There are thousands of species of spiders worldwide. Some of them are venomous, while others are harmless. You can even find some that eat insects. However, arachnophobia is an irrational fear of these arachnids that is often overblown.
The best way to avoid spider bites is to not come into contact with them. However, that is easier said than done. Many jobs require you to be outside.
Some of the more deadly spiders include the brown recluse, black widow, Atrax robustus and the Phoneutria genus. This last one is considered the deadliest.
In Australia, the Atrax genus is particularly dangerous. It has caused deaths in the city of Sydney for years.
Researchers have studied this spider in order to understand its behavior. They discovered that the spiders had a tendency to run towards disturbances.
Researchers also found that the spiders in storm-hit locations had an increased chance of being aggressive. These traits were passed down from generation to generation.
Researchers were able to study this spider by analyzing 240 colonies scattered across seven states. Each one had to endure a hurricane or tropical storm at some point in its lifetime. The more the storms ravaged the colony, the more aggressive it became.