When Does It Rain Spiders in Australia?

“Spider rain” is not an unusual phenomenon. It’s not meteorological; it’s an arachnid’s natural way to flee heavy rains. Several spider species use this method, and they usually occur during the wet season. However, there have been instances of this occurring outside of Australia. In fact, it’s not unusual in the United States, and it’s been documented in Brazil and Texas.

During the wet season, the population of these spiders increases, and they’re more likely to appear in the warmer months. It’s also more common for males to wander. The reason is simple: they’re waiting for the perfect weather conditions.

The wet season usually lasts from November through April. During this time, Sydney, Australia, receives an average of five inches of rain each month. That’s quite a bit.

The dry season lasts from May through August. This is when arachnids are at their most active. The silk they produce during this period is known as gossamer. It’s picked up by the slightest winds, and arachnids often use it as a parachute to fly higher. They can even land on humans.

A recent rainstorm in Goulburn, Australia left the town covered in spider webs. Residents took to social media to report the incident. They described it as a tunnel of webs going up in the sky for a couple of hundred meters.

The residents of Gippsland, Victoria were similarly engulfed in webs after the flooding. These spiders, which are normally found in the ground, used the technique to find a new home.

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