What Spiders Are Common in Florida?

Florida is home to hundreds of different spider species. They range in size, color, and shape. Some can be quite dangerous to humans. Luckily, knowing what spiders are common in Florida is the first step in preventing them from harming you.

The most dangerous spider in Florida is the Brown Recluse. Its bite can cause muscle aches, fever, and chills, but it will generally heal without treatment. In addition, the venom of the brown recluse is poisonous, and can be fatal to people with weak immune systems.

Another common Florida spider is the golden silk orb weaver. This spider has a long web, which can reach five feet in diameter. This spider primarily preys on insects, although it will also eat small mammals.

There are other types of spiders in Florida, such as huntsman spiders and daddy long leg spiders. These spiders, which are a type of skull spider, are found in basements, garages, and sink cabinets.

The Green Lynx Spider is another species that is found across the state. It is a slender, bright green spider that is often found eating beneficial insects. Unlike many other spiders, the bite of the green lynx does not pose a danger to humans. These spiders are also used as pest control spiders, serving as prey for larger spider species.

If you live in Florida, you may have seen a spider that looks like the Southern Black Widow. These spiders are found in homes and are shaped like an hourglass.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!