What is the Safest Spider to Have in Your Home?

There are many different types of spiders. Some can be very dangerous, while others are harmless. They are usually shy, and will not bother you unless they feel threatened.

Black widows are venomous spiders that are not safe for homes with children. They are commonly found in southern states. They should not be handled, but can be moved with a small cup. They are also very well hidden.

House spiders, also known as cellar spiders, are small arachnids that build messy webs to catch their prey. Their tiny bodies are less than 1/4 inch long. They often live in basements and commercial buildings. They will try to escape when threatened.

There are many other species of spiders that are found in homes. These include the house spider, which is typically non-aggressive.

The Mexican Red-Knee is considered one of the friendliest species. These tarantulas can live up to 20 years if they are properly cared for.

There are also huntsman spiders, which are generally docile. They live in colonies of up to 150 spiders. They are social and tend to bite when they feel threatened.

Another common type of spider is the sac spider. These spiders are easily confused with other spiders. Their venom contains cytotoxin, a toxic compound. However, it is not toxic to humans.

The most dangerous species of spider is the brown recluse. They are venomous, but only bite if they are in direct contact. They can cause pain, weakness, and even gangrene. If you are worried about the presence of these spiders, you should wear rubber gloves while you clean or move furniture.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!