What Can Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Home?

There are several ways to prevent spiders from entering your home. One way is to install screens on windows and doors. Another is to vacuum and dust regularly.

It’s important to keep your house clean and tidy. Spiders are attracted to dirty dishes, piles of wood, and other unclean areas. Cleaning your house on a regular basis will keep these pests from getting into your home.

It’s also important to use a good repellent. Cinnamon and eucalyptus are two great natural options. Other essential oils, like lavender, tea tree, and peppermint, can also help.

If you’re dealing with a lot of spiders, call a professional. You may be able to kill them with an insecticide spray. But you should be careful, as store-bought sprays can contain harmful chemicals.

Another effective option is to make a homemade repellent. You can make a spray with 20 drops of lemon and 20 drops of citronella, and then spray it on the problem area. Alternatively, you can mix 20 drops of peppermint oil with water, then spray it.

You can also try trapping spiders. It’s easy to trap spiders using a glass jar. However, you should wear thick gloves when handling them. If they are venomous, you need to seek medical attention.

If you want to protect your home from spiders, you can also trim vegetation around your home. Chestnuts, for example, have a scent that repels spiders. You can put them on window sills or other places that spiders might enter.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!