What Can I Do to Prevent Spiders in My House?

If you have spiders in your house, you may want to try some repelling methods. Keeping your house clean and free of clutter will decrease the number of hiding spots for spiders. But the best way to eliminate them is to control their food source.

Spiders like to hide in dark spaces. Using the vacuum frequently can help remove them from your home. However, if you are too scared to do it yourself, you can always call in an exterminator.

If you are looking for a natural spider repellent, try peppermint oil. It can be applied to your windows, walls, and doorways. Using this scent will also discourage spiders from making new webs.

Another repellent that you can use is a citrus peel. Spiders hate citrus and will stay away from it. You can place peels on your window sills or doorways.

Another natural deterrent is eucalyptus. This tree has a strong, medicinal smell. Apply a spray to the area where you think you are seeing spider activity.

In addition, you can prevent unwanted guests by sealing all entry points. These can include cracks and holes in your doors, windows, and baseboards. Sealing these cracks and openings can also keep spiders and flies out of your home.

Try using a trap to catch any spiders that are attempting to get inside your home. While most household spiders are harmless, there are some species that are poisonous. Avoid using products that contain Borax, a common ingredient in some traps.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!