Most Spiders Aren’t Friendly

Most spiders aren’t friendly. However, you can find some that are. The black widow is one of them.

They’re not a natural predator. Their purpose is to feed and breed. A well-fed black widow can look brown. It has a very distinct red mark on its abdomen.

The jumping spider, though, is a very good friend. They are intelligent by nature, so a little interaction can go a long way. Jumping spiders are known to be excellent hoppers. Unlike other arachnids, they have an unusually sharp set of eyes.

They also have a highly developed set of muscles, which allow them to jump several times their body length. Some species are known to climb to heights of several feet.

Spiders aren’t afraid of humans. When they feel threatened, they will huddle together in a confined space and camouflage themselves.

They aren’t a bloodsucker, but they can bite. If you do get bitten, the venom will usually only hurt the tissue around the area. But it doesn’t modify your DNA.

Despite their spooky appearance, spiders are generally beneficial. In fact, the average house spider is non-aggressive.

A few may be harmful, though. House spiders can have venomous bites. So, if you want to avoid being bitten, keep your pets away from the house.

For the sake of safety, you should never roll over onto a spider. Instead, you should nudge it into a cup. That’s the best chance you have of being able to bite it.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!