How to Kill Spiders in Grounded

Grounded is a survival game where players must survive in a very dangerous back yard. Fortunately, it’s easier than you might think to kill spiders. You need to have a strong enough weapon, and a lot of armour. However, even if you do have the best of armour and weapons, you still have to be prepared for the inevitable hurdles that you’ll encounter.

The two main spiders you’ll be dealing with are Orb Weavers and Wolf Spiders. Wolf Spiders are a lot bigger than Orb Weavers and they’re much more aggressive. Their legs are much thicker, too, so they’re a much faster opponent. Unlike Orb Weavers, Wolf Spiders don’t spin webs. They also don’t seem to have an established roaming pattern.

Although you’re unlikely to see Wolf Spiders and Orb Weavers in the same area, they can coexist in certain areas. For example, they’re often found in the Stepping Stone area. In other places, like the Undershed, you can find them in the crevices of oak tree roots. A quick note: if you’re building a base near a Wolf Spider den, don’t put yours in the same spot as yours.

The easiest way to kill a Wolf Spider is to shoot it with a projectile. Once you have a good block, you’ll need Fiber Bandage to patch up any damage.

If you’re looking for more ideas for your base, check out these Grounded tips. And let us know in the comments section what you’re thinking!

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!