How to Get Rid of Bugs and Spiders in Your Ear

When you find a bug or spider in your ear, don’t panic! The chances of getting an insect in your ear are quite low. If you don’t know how to get rid of it, however, you may want to take it to your doctor.

There are a few ways to remove bugs from your ear. You can use a mixture of warm vegetable oil and water, which will kill the insect. Another way is to use a 50/50 mixture of alcohol and water.

The ENT can also do a thorough examination of your ear to see if there are any signs of infection. Depending on the size and location of the bug, the ENT might choose to use a catheter, gentle suction, or forceps to remove it.

The ENT will also want to inspect your ear for any other issues that might have occurred, such as damage to the ear canal. A damaged ear canal can lead to hearing loss and inflammation.

Using tweezers or forceps can push the insect deeper into your ear and possibly cause injury. Unless you are a professional in this area, it is best to seek medical help from a doctor.

In some cases, a small insect can sever the eardrum. This can cause pain and lead to an ear infection. See your doctor immediately to prevent any serious harm.

Sometimes you won’t even notice the bug is in your ear. Then, you’ll experience itching, a feeling of fullness, and/or a buzzing noise. These symptoms will go away quickly once the bug is removed.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!