How Much Does a Spider Weigh in Pounds?

It’s hard to tell exactly how much a spider weighs, but it’s impossible to ignore the fact that these tiny creatures have some impressive muscle. Not only are they capable of lifting heavy objects, they can build webs that are as strong as a brick.

The average spider weighs between one milligram and ten milligrams. In fact, the biggest spider on the planet, the Goliath bird eater, weighs an eye-popping 175 grams! Considering the fact that a half-ton truck weighs less than eight thousand pounds, that’s a lot of heft!

A baby spider is no lightweight. They can lift about twice as much as their adult counterparts. That’s because they have a relatively light exoskeleton. They also have a clever little hydraulic system that lets them move quickly, but silently.

There are many different types of spiders. Some are as small as a gram, while others can weigh up to three pounds. The most common house spiders are a bit smaller, but they can still carry quite a bit of weight.

Some species can eat large creatures, such as mice. They’ll use their webs to capture small mammals. Occasionally, they even use it to hunt small birds. The giant spider crab can weigh up to fifty pounds.

The best part is that they’re remarkably quiet. If they made noise, they would be a nuisance, but it’s unlikely. This makes it easy to appreciate them from a distance.

Compared to other animals, spiders are pretty light. The smallest spiders, the spiderlings, only weigh a few grams.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!