How Large Are Spiders?
The Goliath Birdeater is the largest spider in the world. It lives in the rainforests of northern South America. It preys on frogs, mice, and lizards. It also produces silk to line its burrows. It occasionally delivers venom similar to that of a wasp. It is rarely fatal to humans.
The giant huntsman spider is another giant spider. It has the largest leg span of all spiders. The male’s legs have a distinctive twisted shape. It also makes a rhythmic ticking sound when threatened.
It is venomous, so a bite is painful. It can lodge in the eyes for days. It is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.
The female black widow spider is half the size of the male. It has red spots on its back. It has a comb foot and an hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of its round abdomen. It is a member of the subfamily Harpactirinae. The male is lighter in color.
The wolf spider is a large hairy spider. It sometimes turns brown, and can grow to about an inch long. It usually rests in silken retreats, which are made by the female.
The huntsman spider is another venomous spider. Its legs have a distinctive splayed shape, giving the spider a crab-like walk. It is often mistaken for a tarantula. The venom of a brown recluse spider can lodge in the eye for days.
The Brown Fiddler spider has a black line on its cephalothorax, or neck. It has six eyes in pairs, and has a body length of about 3/8 inches.