How Common Are Spiders in Japan?

Spiders aren’t uncommon in Japan. One of the most common species is the Japanese wasp spider, or joros. This type of spider has a distinctive pattern. Its bluish-black abdomen contrasts with its red underbelly. It also has a large web. However, its bite isn’t deadly.

Another popular Japanese species is the Gray Wall Jumping Spider. It’s a native to Japan, and it has exceptional jumping capabilities. It can produce sounds in courtship, too. The sound is too low to be heard by humans. It is 9 millimeters long and has wide eyes.

Adanson’s House Jumper is a species of joro that lives all over Japan. It’s colorful body is covered with spines and low vegetation. It’s very hairy, and the spiders usually stay in dark corners.

The Japanese wasp spider is a unique-looking species. The males have two white crescents on their bodies. The females don’t have a pattern, but they are dark brown. Their legs are short and they have a lumpy abdomen.

Agriope amoena spiders are sometimes called Samurai Spiders. They live in homes, and they compete with each other around June. This species is considered to be dangerous. It can attack people, but usually doesn’t bite.

Another species that is considered to be dangerous is the redback spider. Its venom is similar to the black widow’s. It has been reported to bite and it has been found in the United States, but not fatally. Its spread has been caused by its ability to travel through silk and by the fact that there aren’t many natural predators. The spiders have been known to migrate in the United States on luggage and cars.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

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