How Can You Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Home?

It’s not uncommon for spiders to get into your home. There are many ways they do this, including through cracks and broken screens. However, there are also some simple things you can do to prevent them from entering your house.

One of the most effective ways to keep spiders out of your home is to keep the area clean. Clean up kitchen messes, trim vegetation, and fix door sweeps and broken screens.

Another way to help keep spiders out of your home is to store your shoes in plastic containers. If you don’t use your shoes, make sure they aren’t on the ground, as this is an easy way for them to get into your home.

Another way to prevent spiders from getting into your home is to seal up any cracks or gaps. These can be found around windows and doors, as well as in crawl spaces. Applying caulk can help seal these gaps and keep spiders out of your home.

You can also use a squirt gun or a bucket of cold water to suffocate spiders. If you don’t have a squirt gun, you can smother them with a wet paper towel.

Lastly, you can buy a spider trap to catch them before they start bothering you. You can buy sticky traps, or you can put peppermint essential oil on your window sills or baseboards to repel spiders.

A few of the more dangerous types of spiders, like black widow and brown recluse, are poisonous. They release their poison when they ingest it. In addition, pregnant spiders are especially dangerous.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!