Do Spiders Keep Pets?

Whether you’re looking to get rid of your arachnophobia or simply want to learn more about the creatures you live with, you’ll be happy to know that spiders make great pets. They are easy to care for and take up very little space.

In addition to being a fascinating creature to watch, you’ll find that spiders are less demanding than dogs or cats. While some species of spiders can bite, most are not particularly aggressive. If you are considering owning a spider as a pet, be sure to do your research first.

Spiders come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and color. Some can be quite dangerous to humans, while others are harmless. Before you decide to add a new member to your family, you’ll want to find out what species can be kept safely in your area.

Tarantulas are probably the most popular spider to keep as a pet. While they do not bond with humans, they do have multiple modes of protection. When threatened, tarantulas can flick abdominal hairs to ward off potential attackers. The only downside is that tarantulas can get infected with skin irritation from their barbs.

Tarantulas are easy to care for. Just remember to provide a sterile substrate and lots of water. You’ll also want to give your pet a healthy diet. A good tarantula diet is crickets, but mealworms can also be good.

Jumping spiders are also a fun and interesting species to keep as a pet. They’re small and have amazing jumping abilities. You’ll need to provide plenty of space for your pet to run around, however.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!