Do Spiders Go Away in the Winter?

If you have a home in Merrimac, Massachusetts you may wonder, “Do spiders go away in the winter?” While most species do die when the weather gets cold, others live to fight another day.

Some have been known to survive the cold, and some even re-emerge in warmer months. Some have learned to hide in areas such as woodpiles and under sheds, while others live under the snow itself.

A spider’s main function is to kill and eat other insects. They also help to keep the number of pests in the area under control.

However, they can be a bit of a pain to deal with. Depending on the species, they can be a bit venomous, too. They can be a nuisance in homes, especially during the winter when they come out to hunt for food.

Spiders are also great climbers. This is particularly true if you have a messy or unorganized home. Some spiders even have the capability to spin a nest-like pouch of webbing, which they use to create a warm environment.

Spiders can also help you keep other bugs under control. They have an insulated shelter and an anticicada, or antifreeze-like chemical that they produce. This prevents ice from forming in their bodies, which helps them keep cool in the frigid temperatures.

While they may not be a welcome sight at all, some spiders can be quite beneficial. Among other things, they may kill disease-carrying mosquitos. They can also kill pesky houseflies, and some can even kill cockroaches.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!