Can You Use Fly Killer on Spiders?

If you’re having problems with spiders, there are several ways to get rid of them. You can trap them, use sprays, or even just clean them out. It’s important to keep in mind that some spiders are venomous, and their bite can be dangerous.

To start, find a natural insect repellent. You can buy a nontoxic alternative at your local home center. This will protect your family from mosquitoes and other pests without leaving an unpleasant scent or toxic residue.

If you want to try a commercial product, you can try Raid. It works well, but only if you’re careful to use it properly.

Another type of fly spray is the Ortho(r) Crawling Bug Killer with Essential Oils. This product contains Geraniol, clove, and cinnamon. It’s odor-free and can keep spiders from entering your home.

In addition to using a nontoxic natural insect repellent, you should also vacuum behind furniture and pleated drapes. Spiders often hide in these spaces, so make sure they don’t have a favored location.

If you do decide to use a commercial product, you should be aware of the ingredients. Some are harmful to humans, pets, and even other creatures. It’s also important to remember to avoid using it in areas that children and animals are present.

The best way to kill spiders is to trap them. This isn’t a good idea for squeamish people, but a gentlehearted homeowner can make the process easier. If you do capture a spider, make sure to release it outside.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!