Can You Use Bug Spray on Spiders?

There are a lot of people who have been disappointed by the effects of insecticide spraying. Typically, these sprays have dangerous toxic ingredients. They also can harm the health of pets.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and eliminate spiders that are natural and do not harm humans. However, you must be consistent.

One of the most effective methods is to use plant-based products that are free of DEET. These products contain peppermint oil and other naturally-derived compounds.

You can make your own plant-based spray by mixing essential oils and water. You can spray this around the house to repel spiders.

If you prefer to use a chemical insecticide, read the label before deciding what to use. Many pesticides work through respiration, but also by contact. This makes them unsafe to use around children and pets.

Another option is to use a barrier spray. Spiders do not like strong aromatic scents. The CDC recommends lemon eucalyptus as a good natural insecticide.

Using peppermint oil is another effective method for repelling spiders. Peppermint is highly irritating to the skin, so avoid using it in areas where your pets will be around.

Another alternative is to mix garlic extract with water. Apply it on windows and doors.

Another trick to get rid of spiders is to add a bit of salt to the water you drink. Salt is a natural mineral that kills bugs, including spiders.

If you do not like the idea of putting chemicals in your home, consider using vinegar or a solution of dishwashing soap and water. Mix these two ingredients in a spray bottle and apply it near entry points.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!