Can Spiders Help Control Insect Pests?

If you live in a home, you might be interested in using spiders as a natural form of pest control. Spiders are beneficial predators and are very effective in controlling insects. However, most people are scared of spiders.

In order to know if you should use spiders as a natural method of pest control, you must first understand how these creatures work. They are generalists and serve as natural predators for many insect species. You must also be aware that there are some spider species that are harmful.

Generally, there are two types of spiders: those that build webs and those that are active hunters. Most spiders will not attempt to bite you unless they are accidentally trapped. This is because most of their venom is not toxic to humans.

Several hundred species of spiders are found in North America. Some are very aggressive and may be a threat to your home. Others are more docile and prefer to live in the garden.

Many areas experience spikes in the number of spiders during the summer months. During this time, many species will seek out human dwellings in search of a mate.

When you see a spider nest, do not destroy it. It will provide a warning sign of other bugs that may be present. The most common species of spider that can be seen outdoors are the black widow and the brown recluse.

Many spiders are adapted to living in dense habitats. Consequently, they have specialized features, such as short legs, that allow them to leap for prey.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!