Can Black Widow Spiders Have White Markings on Their Backs?

Black widow spiders are not harmful to humans. However, they have powerful venom. A bite from a black widow may cause pain, swelling and localized bleeding. People can avoid being bitten by wearing protective gloves.

Black widows are found in five different species throughout the United States. They are found in northern and southern areas of the country. The male black widow is smaller than the female. It is usually black and has white markings on its back.

Females are shiny black and have a red hourglass on the underside of its abdomen. Sometimes the hourglass is described as an arrowhead. As a female matures, the arrowhead shape changes.

Some northern black widows have white streaks on the sides of its abdomen. Other females have an orange hourglass.

Brown widows, on the other hand, are similar in appearance to black widows. The female’s web is irregular. It is typically located in dark, sheltered spots.

Male black widows have more colorful markings than females. Western black widows, for instance, have small black dots on top of the white diagonal stripes. This coloration will fade with time.

Juveniles are brown or gray. As they grow older, the red stripe gets thinner and the central longitudinal stripe breaks up into individual spots.

Although these spiders are not dangerous to people, they can be very annoying. To prevent a bite, wash your hands well and wear gloves. If you suspect that you have a black widow, call a pest control service.

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