Are Spiders Always in Pairs?

Many species of spiders are solitary creatures. But others form colonies. These colonies are called social spiders. They are highly inbred.

Social spiders swarm together to subdue prey. They are very good at hunting and can take down larger insects. They can also be effective at destroying birds and bats.

The most common arachnid found in North America is the cobweb spider. These spiders build tangled webs in order to catch insects. They usually set up shop in areas of loose walls and windows. They will feed on ants, flies, and mosquitoes.

These spiders are sometimes considered a nuisance. They can fling hairs off their bodies in an effort to deter predators. They are generally red or brown in color. They are not very poisonous, although they can sting intruders.

The female black widow spider is a notorious cannibal. Her male counterpart is the red widow. The female produces a flat oval egg sac of silk and lays around 200 eggs. She will usually carry the sac around for a few weeks. After hatching, the young spiderlings will climb onto her abdomen.

They may be found in closets, bathrooms, attics, and basements. They may even be accidentally brought into your home. You may find them in old clothes or storage boxes. They are often named for their snappers on their heads.

The best thing about spiders is their longevity. They have been around for millions of years. Some are able to live for up to two years.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!