Why Does Blue Cheese Kill Rats?

You may be wondering why blue cheese kills rats. While rats love cheese, it is not healthy for them. Instead, you should give them sweet treats that are rich in nutrients. Blue cheese is not one of these sweet treats. However, you should not completely avoid it either. Some rats may be lactose intolerant and cannot eat cheese. However, small amounts of cheese are safe for rats.

One of the best natural ways to repel rats is by using peppermint oil. This natural deterrent has a very strong scent and can be placed in areas where rats are present. It must be changed regularly to keep the scent effective. Another natural rat repellent is onions. Place some near their holes, and it will intoxicate them.

Although rats don’t usually like cheese, some have an allergic reaction to it. Other cheeses may work just as well. If you have a rat that is allergic to cheese, you may want to avoid giving him blue cheese. But be careful, blue cheese has a mold that makes it dangerous to rats. Another way to get rid of rats is by using ammonia, which has a strong odor and kills them quickly. Another alternative is black pepper, which has an odor that rats dislike but gives them an added flavor.

The cyanide contained in apple seeds is small enough not to affect humans, but can be fatal for rats. However, it should be noted that an excessive amount of this substance may cause thyroid problems and reproductive issues. It should never be fed to rats because of these side effects. Moreover, it is not safe for rats to eat foods high in alkaloids. This substance is also present in tobacco, coffee, cinchona, and belladonna, and it affects the nervous system. It is also found in green potatoes.

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