Why Do Rats Come Inside the House?

There are many reasons that mice and rats come into the house, and one of the most common reasons is because of food. Rats will scavenge food from a variety of sources, including leftovers and pet food. This can attract these pests, so you need to take steps to make sure that your home is a safe place for these pests to live. If you have a pet that eats leftovers, it is a good idea to keep the food in a closed container.

Fortunately, a rat infestation can be easily treated. The first thing you should do is inspect your home thoroughly. Look for any obvious access points, such as drains and vents. If you find any, you can seal them off and set traps. In some cases, this is enough to eliminate a rat infestation.

You can also seal up any cracks or openings in your home. You can do this with wire wool, metal kick plates, cement, or caulk. However, you must check these gaps at least once a month to make sure that they are still sealed and have not been opened by a rat. If the issue persists, contact a pest control professional like Smith’s Pest Management.

Rats can be easily identified by their loud, ammonia-like odors and their tendency to leave droppings behind. They may also gnaw electrical cords, storage containers, and even food left out on the counter. In addition, they can cause lasting damage to your home. Their foot prints may appear in corners of the house and around walls.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!