Why Do Rats and Mice Take Sand Baths?

Rats and mice love to take sand baths. It not only helps them clean themselves, but they also love to roll around in the sand. They use these baths as a way to relieve stress and relax. Since rodents have a high stress tolerance, taking a sand bath can be a great way to help them overcome any problems that they may be experiencing.

Before you try giving your rat a bath, it’s a good idea to talk to them in a soothing way. Moreover, you should use the right hold for your rat, since they may become anxious. If you use your hands, make sure that they’re completely dry before putting your rat into the tub. In addition, keep in mind that your rat’s head and ears should not be submerged in the water. This is important because the rat’s immune system is sensitive and vulnerable to respiratory infections.

Rats need a bath for a variety of reasons, from mite relief to easing skin problems. Sand bathing for male rats is often due to dominance urination, but it can also be for medical reasons. The use of a medical shampoo can relieve mites, treat skin diseases, or treat parasites. Additionally, intact males can develop an orange back due to secretions from their sebaceous glands related to testosterone. The orange color of male rats can look unattractive, so bathing too close to a show day is also not recommended.

Some animals use dusts for self-cleansing. In fact, chinchillas, degus, and gerbils have been known to roll around in volcanic dust. Other animals use sand baths to keep their fur, feathers, and skin fresh.

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