Which States Have the Most Rats?

As the colder months approach, rodent activity is bound to increase as rodents are looking for food and shelter in homes. This year, 12 southern cities were included in the top 50 most rat-infested cities in the United States, with Atlanta topping the list. And as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the country, the presence of rodents is becoming more visible. In addition to food contamination, rodents are showing unusual behavior and increased activity in restaurants and homes.

Rats have long been a problem for Florida, but the situation has gotten worse in recent years. Currently, 5 major cities in the state rank among the top five in the nation in terms of rat infestation. Miami, Fort Myers, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Jacksonville all have rat infestations that are considered among the worst in the country.

Cleveland, Ohio, cracked the top 10 for the first time this year. After restaurants in the city closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, rats began searching for food elsewhere. Moreover, open garbage in the city has contributed to the rat population. Several residents have complained of seeing rat scurrying across the city’s streets.

Chicago has also been labeled the rat capital of the United States. Its climate makes it an ideal breeding ground for black and brown rats. A recent local news outlet has highlighted the high number of rats in the city. In addition to their ability to breed, rats can cause a significant amount of damage to electric and wires. As a result, homeowners were encouraged to fix holes in the ground and trim back foliage.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!