Which Disease Do Rats Spread to Humans?

Rats can carry a bacterial disease called leptospirosis. This disease is spread through contact with rat urine, food, and water. It causes kidney damage and is fatal if not treated. Infected individuals experience fever, chills, and abdominal pain. Although leptospirosis can be fatal, it is a common disease that can be prevented and treated.

Rats can also spread the disease rat-bite fever, which is a bacterial infection. It is spread through the bite of an infected rat or through contact with rat urine or feces. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other illnesses, but in severe cases, they can lead to abscesses, kidney infections, and infections of the heart. Treatment for rat-bite fever is generally accompanied by antibiotics.

Rats can spread various diseases, including meningitis, through contact with their urine or faeces. The symptoms of this infection are similar to those of influenza, but they can be more serious. The infection may lead to a rash or bloody mucus. It can also cause neurological problems and can be fatal. Similarly, rats can spread a bacterial disease called cysticercosis, which is caused by a parasitic worm.

The main diseases that rats spread to humans are leptospirosis and salmonellosis. These two diseases are most prevalent in tropical areas. In addition to feces and urine, rats can also transmit diseases through the air, food, and materials they touch. These pathogens can cause serious illness in humans, particularly in children.

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