Where Can I Find Rats in My House?

If you think that you might have rats in your house, there are a few ways to spot them. Rats can be found near food or garbage and can dig burrows in walls, under structures, under low vegetation, and under woodpiles. You can also look for 2-inch wide runways in dirt and grass. These trails are caused by a rat’s oily fur and are easily visible under a black light.

If you think you have a rat problem, the first thing you should do is look for droppings. You can detect them by their smell, and they can be either smooth or gray. You should also look for signs of chewing. Rats like to gnaw on food, cords, and wires. If you find a rat nest, you should immediately seal any openings with steel wool and check any trash cans that are not covered with lids.

The second way to look for rats is to enter a dungeon. The Edgeville Dungeon is a large area that has many types of monsters. You can enter it through a trapdoor located south of the bank of Edgeville, or by entering the locked shed west of the Cooks’ Guild. Using a Brass key will allow you to enter. Giant rats can also be found in swamps and sewers. Low-level players are often attacked by giant rats in these locations. You can also find rats in Lumbridge and Varrock.

If you are unable to find any rats in your home, you can use snap traps, glue boards, and cage traps. Snap traps are particularly effective for small rodent populations, and they are usually reusable. Wood-based snap traps are inexpensive and available at hardware stores. You can also buy snap traps made specifically for larger rodents.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!