When Does Frank Leave Water Rats?

Water Rats is an Australian crime drama series that focuses on the personal lives of its cops. The series has been running for six seasons, but in the sixth season, it turns personal for the cops. This season marks the departure of Frank Holloway, a character played by Colin Friels. He is replaced by Jack Bisley, who is Rachel’s new partner. The actor who played Frank left the show in 1999, following cancer treatments.

Initially, Frank is reluctant to leave the Rats, but the death of a former friend prompts him to do so. Another reason is the desire to realize a long-forgotten dream. Meanwhile, Reilly is following up on the suicide attempt of a drug addict. In another episode, Helen is surprised by her co-workers, who throw her a surprise party on her 40th birthday.

The series is now available on DVD. It was released in two parts in 2004, with the rest of the series available from Warner Vision Australia. The show also has a soundtrack, produced by Les Gock. This album contains a collection of songs that were performed in the show. The soundtrack is an important part of the show, and has a great effect on the storyline.

As the series progresses, the relationship between Frank and Liz continues. He is in love with Liz, but she is also in love with Tommy. Despite this, he is suspicious of Liz, who is suspected of murder. As such, Goldie warns Frank to stay away from her, but Frank refuses. In the meantime, Tayler Johnson joins the Water Police, which causes tensions between the two. He is also frustrated by his new superior, Sergeant Helen Blakemore.

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