When Do Hairless Rats Lose Their Fur?

Hairless rats are a unique breed of rat with a lack of fur. They are a favorite of pet owners because they do not shed like most rats, which makes them especially suitable for those with allergies. However, the shedding process varies from one hairless rat to another, and the amount of hair loss will depend on genetics and the type of rat you have.

Some hairless rats do lose their fur after a moult, and it’s important to know when it happens. The first time your hairless rat starts losing its fur is during its first baby moult. They will shed their baby coat, but some of them never grow back. Double rexes, on the other hand, shed their fur at certain points in their lives, and some may never regain their fur. If your rat is suffering from a moult, you’ll want to take him to the vet, as it could lead to further issues.

The main cause of hairlessness in hairless rats is a genetic mutation called shorn. The shorn mutation causes the hair shaft to be abnormally thin and patchy. The resulting hairless rat has a thick layer of dead skin cells that prevents the poorly keratinized hair shaft from penetrating the skin surface. The hair follicles eventually degenerate, and the only hair that remains is peach fuzz.

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