What Temperature Should Rats Be Kept In?

Rats are sensitive to heat, and they should never be kept in rooms that are hot or humid. High temperatures can kill your rat quickly. Rats do not sweat, but they can cool themselves by stretching out their tails. If your rat is sprawling around its cage, it might be a sign that the temperature is too hot.

Rats need a temperature between sixty and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. This is usually within the temperature range of a climate-controlled house. Rats can become cold at night, and so it is important to provide warm bedding and shelter. Most rats will seek shelter inside their cage, although some will seek shelter in burrows or barns.

Rats are sensitive to extreme heat, but they are unable to verbally express their discomfort. Rats begin to show major discomfort at 82 to 83 degrees. They can die of heat stroke if they reach this temperature. Rats do not have sweat glands, so they regulate their body temperature by using blood vessels in their tails and feet. The symptoms of heatstroke include lethargy, lack of appetite, open mouth, and loss of consciousness.

Rats need a consistent environment to stay healthy and happy. Rats need a constant temperature and humidity, as well as materials for building shelter and engaging in playful behavior.

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