What Smells Do Rats Don’t Like?

One of the best things you can do to prevent rats from moving into your home is to prevent them from smelling certain things. Rats can tell if something is harmful by the smell. However, luckily, there are several methods to avoid attracting a rat to your home.

First, make sure your kitchen is clean. A clean kitchen will keep out pests and ensure that your kitchen utensils and appliances are always sanitized. Another way to keep rats away is to avoid the smell of weeds and fruits. While you may think that these smells don’t bother them, rats are actually attracted to them. In addition to this, if you have plants growing around your home, rats will be attracted to the scent. Likewise, piles of leaves and wind are a favorite for rats and mice.

Rats have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. This is what enables them to detect nearby food and water sources. However, their powerful sense of smell works against them. In fact, some people have successfully discouraged rats from entering their property by using smell-based lures. This method can be used for both indoor and outdoor areas.

Another natural way to deter rats from entering your home is to plant certain types of plants. Plants that smell strongly like garlic, peppers, and white onions are especially effective. Peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical that rats do not like. These plants will not only deter rats from entering your home but will also repel them from nesting in your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!