What Size Wheel For Rats Is Right For Your Rat?

There are many different sizes of wheels for rats. Small rats will do well with a wheel that is around 12 inches. Medium-sized rats will need a wheel that is around 14 inches, and large rats will need one that is about 15 inches. Getting a wheel that fits the rat’s size is important for their safety and wellbeing.

Small animal wheels come in a variety of styles and materials. Some are ferris wheel-shaped, while others are saucer-style and are made of wire or solid surface. Rat wheels should be sturdy enough to hold up to the weight of your rat and be easy to clean. However, it’s important to know that wheels for small animals may pose a safety risk.

Rat wheels can be either free-standing or attached to a wire cage. A 12″ wheel is suitable for a small buck or female rat. Rats should not run with their backs bent, as this could result in a spine injury. Choose a wheel that spins smoothly without bumping around. A wheel with a larger diameter will help your rat maintain proper running posture.

Rat wheels are not cheap. However, they are very durable and sturdy. A 15-inch Rat Wheel can be a great investment for your rat’s cage. They are available in different sizes and can be handcrafted, if necessary. Rat wheels are usually made of metal, so they won’t get chewed. They feature a wide running floor and sturdy screw attachments, so they won’t cause any damage to your rat’s cage. They also minimize the space needed in the cage. Rat wheels are almost silent, making them ideal for use in small spaces.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!