What Rats Make the Best Pets

If you’re wondering what rats make the best pets, there are several reasons to consider them. Compared to cats, rats are much cleaner, have an excellent sense of humor, and can even laugh! Rats have also been popular household pets since Queen Victoria’s time, when Jack Black trained rats to do tricks and dress up in costumes to impress her.

Rats can make great pets if properly cared for, and some varieties will even respond to basic commands and name calling. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns, and there are 16 widely recognized breeds, including seven kennel club-recognized breed standards.

Although female rats are more likely to develop tumors, they are still fantastic pets if given the right environment. They require a lot of interaction and a home where they’re well-cared for. If you’re looking for a pet rat, female rats make the best pets because they are smaller and active than males. They are also easier to care for, but they require a lot of interaction with their humans.

Rats can be trained to do agility and are incredibly smart. They can also be taught to use the litter pan as their toilet. They spend 30 to 40 percent of their waking time grooming, and are also known for their high emotional intelligence. They can even be trained to perform some tricks, such as catching a ball and dropping it through a hoop.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!