What Rats Don’t Like
If you’re trying to keep rats out of your home, it’s important to know what rats don’t like. Rats are very sensitive to smell. One common ingredient that rats don’t like is peppermint. This ingredient is found in many commercial rat repellents. However, it’s not always effective.
You can use garlic to repel rats in a variety of ways. Crushed red pepper, a mixture of cayenne and hot peppers, can be sprinkled around openings and gardens. However, it’s important to note that regular red bell peppers do not contain capsaicin, which will make them unappealing to rats. A different solution is to sprinkle garlic powder around the areas where rats are most likely to congregate. Using ammonia, a chemical that has a strong odor, is another effective repellent.
Rats are attracted to warm places like cars, so try to avoid leaving pet food or fast food leftovers in the car. Also, avoid placing bird and grass seed in the car’s back seat, as these can attract rats. Rats can be very noisy, so make sure to keep the area away from food scraps.
Rats can also be very picky about their food. Some things they don’t like include liquorice, green potatoes, and poppy seeds. However, because rats can be extremely picky about what they eat, these are not the only foods that they don’t enjoy.