Is There Rats in Alberta?

Many people wonder, “Is there a problem with rats in Alberta?” The answer to this question is a resounding “yes.” The province has been fighting its rat battle for years, and the success of the Rat Control Program has been reported in the provincial, national, and international media. The success of the program is the subject of much public education and is a source of pride for Albertans. However, Albertans must be vigilant and not get complacent. Rats can easily spread from one place to another.

One of the biggest concerns with Alberta rats is the possibility of disease spreading. While rats aren’t a direct threat to humans, they can infect livestock, which can cause serious illness. They also cause billions of dollars in damage for businesses and farmers. Because of this, Albertans have banned rats from entering the province and anyone caught with a rat can be fined up to $5000. However, two-legged rats are already too much of a competition and are bringing the ship down.

Another common rat found in Alberta is the Bushy-tailed Woodrat. This species prefers grasses and open spaces. This rat is a good climber and uses its strong tail to balance itself on tree bark. A common mouse found in Alberta is the Eastern Deer Mouse. This species has large black eyes, rounded ears, and white feet.

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