What Can I Plant to Keep Rats Away?

One of the best ways to repel rats is by using plants. Plants that emit strong smells can be used as effective repellents. One plant to try is clover, which has different names and is commonly found in spring. The white flower has an aromatic smell that keeps rats away.

Planting chrysanthemums in your garden can also keep rats away. These flowers are native to East Asia and Europe and have hundreds of varieties. They can be purchased in local garden centers. Planting them around openings will ensure that rats cannot enter your yard. These plants also come back year after year.

Daffodils can also deter rodents. They emit a smell that mice cannot stand, which will send the rodents running. You can also plant peppermint as an effective repellent. They are easy to maintain and can be grown in pots if needed.

Catnip is another effective repellent. The essential oil found in it is 100% effective in repelling bedbugs. A few other plants that can deter rats include wintergreen, Chinese geranium, purple crown vetch, and snowdrop. All of these plants are known to contain essential oils that repel rodents.

Garlic is also a natural repellent. When planted in a garden, it will form a protective barrier for your home against pests. It smells strongly and cats and mice won’t cross it. Basil is another plant that is effective. When grown in the ground, you can sprinkle it around the entry areas of your home. If you’re not able to find cloves, garlic powder is a good option.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!