Is Fleece Safe For Rats?

Among all materials used to make rat bedding, fleece is the most popular choice. This material is soft, warm, and moisture-wicking, but does not fray. Rats can get caught in fraying fabric, which is harmful to their health. Another advantage of fleece is that it can be reused, making it a green and economical alternative to aspen and paper bedding. Aside from its comfort level, fleece can also help maintain a rat’s body temperature while offering enrichment and stimulation.

Rats need bedding that is safe for them to sleep on. Straw and other hard materials are harmful to them. Also, long fibers may entangle a rat’s neck and legs. Additionally, bedding that contains toxic materials is not recommended. So, you should choose bedding made of non-toxic materials only.

Rats are not the only animals that can get sick from using cardboard substrate. Pine and cedar shavings are toxic to rats and can cause respiratory problems. These materials are also known to cause UTIs. Despite the hazards associated with them, many pet stores and breeders continue to use them as bedding.

While using fleece as bedding for rats is highly recommended, it is not safe for the rat’s skin. Rats need an absorbent layer under their bedding to prevent abrasions. Without this additional layer, urine will dry in the rat’s lungs. To make it safe for the rat, wash the fleece regularly with hot water and non-scented detergent. It is better to wash it in small quantities instead of using a large washing machine.

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